Sunday, February 24, 2013

Journey to a 6-Pack

So many women spend multiple hours a week at the gym, but never see results. That's because there's more to the equation than just working out. You need cardio, strength training, and a healthy diet. One without the other will not get you to that sexy beach bod, I promise (unless you run a ridiculous amount or something). Okay, so in general, you need all three. The first one I always suggest is diet. Changing up your diet without stepping foot in a gym can produce amazing results. Here's what I suggest, but first, you should download an app compatible with your phone that allows you to take photos and give descriptions of your food -- I use "foodsnap." This will hold you accountable to what you're eating. Second, in addition to taking photos of your food, take photos of yourself. You may not feel like your diet is working, but if you follow it 100% (with a little room for cheat days, of course!), looking back at your day 1 photo will provide you with that extra motivation.

So here it goes:

A few things to get rid of right away: 

  • white bread
  • sodas and sugary drinks (including those Starbucks Frappuccinos!) 
  • fast food (even if it's supposedly "healthy" fast food, it's not)
  • fried foods

Foods to wean yourself off of:
  • bread in general (it's really hard to do, but try to avoid it at all costs)
  • wheat in general (same as above)
  • all fast food (I know I put that in the "right away" section, but it more realistically belongs here)
  • anything in the aisles of the grocery store
As a general rule of thumb, if you can't find it on the parameters of the grocery store, you probably shouldn't be eating it. 

So what can I eat?!
My eating schedule usually looks like this: 2 eggs with spinach in the morning with a cup of tea, a big salad with plenty of vegetables and leftover meat (sometimes I'll do tuna) for lunch, and some kind of meat with veggies for dinner. For a snack I'll eat almonds and greek yogurt, and after a workout I'll either make a smoothie or a protein shake. But basically, here's what I suggest:
  • Meats/fish! Chicken, salmon, tilapia, turkey, etc
  • Good fats - avocados, coconut butter instead of vegetable oil, meats
  • Nuts, in moderation - almonds (switch from peanut butter to almond butter, too!), walnuts, pecans
  • Veggies of all kinds, lots of them - cooked or raw, just eat lots of them!
  • Fruits, in moderation
  • Healthy snacks - greek yogurt, Luna bars, veggies, nuts
  • Eggs! If you don't have time to make eggs in the morning, try making a frittata at the beginning of the week

How much should I eat?
If you're going out to dinner, eat half. Ask for the other half to be put in a to-go bag before it even comes to your table. If you're out to dinner, order a small salad before your meal gets there to suppress your appetite - this way you'll eat less once it comes. Some people like to eat smaller meals 4-5 times a day to keep their metabolism up. If that works for you and you have the time to plan ahead, go for it. I eat 3 meals a day, with a few snacks here and there. Sometimes I'll do intermittent fasting to shrink my stomach and eat less during my next meal. Learn more about fasting here.

There's so much more to add, but I've hit on the most important foods to get you started. Stay away from fast food places, shop the parameters, and plan ahead. A couple great websites to continue your diet education are (my favorite!) and 

It sounds so simple, but we've all failed at diets before. Make a commitment to yourself, and to your future self. To be what others aren't, you have to be willing to do what others won't. 

Up next! Part 2 of 3: Work Out Woes

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